WDSC Policies

These policies have been crafted to help all members of the club meet the values, mission and vision of the WDSC. 


The Club Handbook will give you an overall introduction to WDSC, what to expect and how to find the information you need. 


Upon membership with the WDSC, every swimmer and their guardian has agreed to abide by these bylaws. This document defines our meetings, what it means to be a member and how WDSC operates as an organization. 


This document defines the expectations of the WDSC, Swim BC and Swimming Canada organizations of all persons acting within the sport of swimming environment, including swimmers, coaches, volunteers and parents/guardians.


This policy outlines the expectations and procedures of athlete travel for competitions within WDSC. 


This policy explains how adults in authority positions keep vulnerable minors safe. 


This policy outlines the procedures and protocols that come into play when the Code of Conduct and Ethics has been severely, and/or repeatedly, breached by any member. 


This policy is a guide on how to resolve disputes when the parties involved are not able to resolve their concerns through basic means of communication and problem-solving and need the intervention of a mediator. 


This policy explains the steps needed to take if a member feels that a decision made against them is inappropriate. 


This policy outlines what a member of the club needs to do in order to ensure the best interests of the club are held first by all members. 


This policy is posted here so that all members are aware of what the WDSC Board Members are committed to when volunteering to help support the club. 


This document identifies the club’s most basic purpose and was created to incorporate WDSC as a Society.


This policy is a guideline of expectations and procedures for Employees.


This handbook guides all Coaches through club expectations.