Intro to Officiating (Timekeeper) / Safety Marshal

Location | on Zoom |
Start date | Oct 19, 2022 7:00 PM |
End date | Oct 19, 2022 9:30 PM |
Attachments |
Introduction to Swim Officiating Volunteer Clinic
This entry-level course is for anybody who has not completed any officiating training before, or would like a refresher. No experience is required and anybody over age 12 can take this course, including WDSC swimmers. You will learn how to perform the duties of a Timekeeper and a Safety Marshal for a competition.
You can also do the clinic using the eModule system by logging into the Swimming Canada Learning Management System, click on STATUS at the top and then select the eModule.
The clinic will take place online via Zoom, starting at 7:00pm.
Please take the time to review the Swimming Canada presentations in advance of the course.
Email the Club Officials Director, Helen with any questions.
Volunteer points will be provided to each participant.
Participants can practice their new timekeeping skills at our Mini Meet on October 21. Sign up to shadow HERE.